Monday, May 9, 2011

COCO #82 Launched!

It's finally here!
I know you all have been waiting anxiously for this to hit the shelves and COCO! appreciates your patience. Read on to find out what's install for you!

Kung-fu Fighting!
You know some Kung-fu moves? This lovable panda is back to bring you all on a roller coaster ride as he smashes his powerful fists and battle against all evil forces. That is, if he can last long enough without sneaking off for another piece of snack.

Tips On Sangokuden Model Building
What good can a box of model kit do without the right tools? Learn and explore the right usage for differernt tools to build the most sturdy model ever! Fret not even if you do not have them, more surprises are installed here for you!

Want to know what are the latest electronic games? Check out this section and be amazed! Shh...we're only hinting it is all about  blue, black and white.

What if you have super powers?
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This section provides you with the background info on X-Men First Class characters and their superhuman abilities. Don't you just wish to be one of them now?

COCO! Picks!
Let these little pocket wonders keep you cool in this hot weather!


koji said...

why is coco out so late this month?

koji kwok yin hang said...

coco answer me why is it not delivered to my mailbx,wher is my copy of coco!