Happy Chinese New Year to all, we hoped all of you had fun with all the visitings and red packets you are getting.
Not forgetting, the absolutely yummy Chinese New Year goodies. Well, we all know it is hard to resist them, but please do not over indulge in those if you do not want to fall sick.
We're sure all of you has been waiting with impatience, COCO! #79 issue is finally out. Grab it at your favourite convenient stores now! Let's take a look at what's exciting in this issue:
Want to know the secret of Masked Rider Den O?
Your dream of becoming a heroic Masked Rider to take on the forces of evil is now easier than ever before! Join us as we check out the DX-Den-O Belt and explore all of its exciting ultra high-tech features!
Jump, run, dance and play with Xbox Kinect
Move your body to the magic of Kinect. COCO! brings you an exclusive look at the Microsoft Kinect for Xbox360 and how it will change the way we play forever!
Bandai Model Kit World Cup 2010
Singapore Team’s Triumph Win: COCO! brings you the first hand experience of taking part in the competition with our exclusive interview with the winner.
COCO! in Action: Sneak on Sucker Punch and Red Riding Hood
Geronimo Stilton Book 44
On the hunt for the diamond thief, have you got yours yet?
Power Rangers RPM: Megazord Madness
When the attacks keep getting bigger, you need to break out the heavy artillery to create a bigger counter-attack. We’ve got more zords for you to check it out!

COCO! Animal Kaiser Contest Winners
Did you take part our Animal Kaiser Contest in COCO! #78?
The long awaited results are finally out!
The answer is Scorch, The Dark Flame.
Managed to guess correctly? Now let's take a look at the lucky winners.
Winner of Top PrizeL Ultra Rare Card: Siegfried!
Mikhail Wong (TXXX4190A)
Runner up Prize - Gold Rare card: Special Ops Leo!
Oliver Ong (TXXX8925Z)
AK Club will be in touch with you shortly for the collection of prize. AK Club would like to thank all of you for your continuous support, do continue to stay tune for more of their promotions and contests.
dear coco,
love your magazine. can we have more of such contests?
Hi Evan
Thank you for your support. Sure, COCO! will try to arrange for more contest for all of our readers.
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