So May Ling and I thought of something fun and arranged an appointment with okto! YIPPIE!
Not just because we want to see where all those wonderful programmes came from but how to work hand in hand, with okto, to come out with something so special, you'll never want to put your COCO magazine down again.
Of course we always save the best for the last, so here's some appetizers to whet your crazy appetite, for now...

Would be better to have more photo inside the office.
How about adding a cbox to the blog?
wah really nice office! cool! =D
Sweet!Hey,I Got A Idea!How About a Co-co! Cruiser?
wat sean said???
he seems 2 b a faithful coco fan
every post got 1 comment
cool!How did u get an appointment with okto?
co co okto is so cool i am a fan of coco too.
Co-co cruiser? make sure it's a Hummer
Hi Sean,
A CO-CO! Cruiser? That sounds awesome! Maybe in time to come we might just have a CO-CO! Cruiser.
Till next time!
See you,
Hi Anonymous,
Well, we made friends with okto and we're planning something big for you guys. Well big enough to go ga ga over!
Wow! Cool pics! Could you take more INSIDE the office?
Hinata Hasegawa
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